Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WALL-E ❤ EVE (Unofficial Icon set for Os X)

This is the Unofficial icon set for the animated movie WALL-E. The set currently only contains EVE. I'm not going to spoil anything go watch the HD trailers at I just love how well made the characters in the movie are. I think i have watched the trailers about 50 times and counting. So this is my personal tribute to the movie and every one that had something to do with creating the movie. Great work Pixar & Disney, You inspire me. And i can't wait to see this movie.
( EVE is a great icon replacement for Os X Automator )

Download Icontainer or Zip.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pain is Golden Icon Preview

Just some random illustrations while exploring different styles for a client project.
Maybe il release this little golden fellow as an Os X  icon someday.